Pain is not the reason why people come to Joseph S Luk Physical Therapy. People can tolerate a lot of pain. If you can life your life with the pain, then no one talks to a doctor. It's when you can't live life is when we see patients in our clinic. Most people first exhaust all options in your local CVS or Walgreens first. I mean, we are talking about all over the counter pain medications, Bengay, Salonpas, braces, etc. I've even had patients change their mattress at the cost of $1,000-$5,000 without improvements. If you can relate to this story, you're not alone. You don't know how many people tell me this same story. If you are done living with pain, contact us at Joseph S Luk Physical Therapy.
We are located at 500 N. Central Ave., Suite 350, Glendale, CA 91203. Our phone number is 818-240-5012. Give us a call or go to our website at